The series is created in collaboration with Saekano’s author Fumiaki Maruto, illustrator Tsunako, and animation studio A-1 Pictures.
By: Jei Beltrano on March 26, 2022 at 11:57 PHT (GMT+8)
An original TV anime series titled “Engage Kiss” has been announced on Saturday to begin broadcasting in July 2022. The series is created in collaboration with Saekano’s author Fumiaki Maruto, illustrator Tsunako, and animation studio A-1 Pictures.
A teaser video featuring the main cast of the series was released.
The cast includes Soma Saito as Shu Ogata, Saya Aizawa as Kisara, and Lynn as Ayano Yugiri.
About Engage Kiss
Engage Kiss is an original TV anime series created in collaboration with Saekano’s author Fumiaki Maruto, Date A Live's illustrator Tsunako, and animation studio A-1 Pictures. The series is scheduled to air in July 2022.
Source: Engage Kiss Official Twitter
A writer, editor, graphic designer, and certified Japanese language instructor. Founder of AniradioPlus. Self-taught with a sincere passion for all things about Japan, anime, manga, food, travel, and... pandas! Love keeping simple things in life. "Keep moving forward."