The live-action drama series adaptation of the classic manga series 'Kimi ni Todoke' is set to premiere on March 30 exclusively on Netflix.
By: Jei Beltrano on February 07, 2023 at 9:36 PHT (GMT+8)
'Kimi ni Todoke' live-action drama series is set to premiere on March 30 worldwide via Netflix. The teaser key visual has been revealed together with its cast.
Japanese actress Sara Minami will play the role of Sawako Kuronuma and actor Oji Suzuka in the role of Shota Kazehaya.
Kaito Sakurai plays the role of Ryu Sanada, Sawako and Kazehaya's classmate who belongs to the baseball club.
Rinka Kumada plays the role of Ayane Yano, another classmate who has a mature atmosphere and later builds a friendship with Sawako.
In addition, Riho Nakamura will play the role of Chizuru Yoshida, Ayane's best friend who has a strong sense of duty and humanity, and who later becomes a good understanding of Sawako.
Japanese actress Naho Toda will play Sawako's mother, Yoko Kuronuma, and actor Hiroyuki Hirayama will play Sawako's father, Kitao Kuronuma.
Shohei Miura will play the role of Isichi Arai, commonly known as Pin, who gives accurate advice to students despite his rude personality.
The 'Kimi no Todoke' series is based on the classic manga series of the same title with a love story that centers on Sawako, who is called "Sadako" because of her long black hair and pale skin, and Kazehaya, who is popular with both men and women because of his friendly personality.
Source: Netflix
A writer, editor, graphic designer, and certified Japanese language instructor. Founder of AniradioPlus. Self-taught with a sincere passion for all things about Japan, anime, manga, food, travel, and... pandas! Love keeping simple things in life. "Keep moving forward."