Mar 16, 2021News'Blue Reflection Ray' TV anime series reveals rouge PV, cast, ED theme, series to begin on April 10The official Twitter for the TV anime series adaptation of Koei Tecmo's Blue Reflection role-playing video game titled "Blue Reflection R...
Jan 12, 2021News'The Irregular at Magic High School' manga and novels exceed 20 million copies in circulationJapanese news outlet Mainichi Shinbun's The Mantan Web has reported on Tuesday that Tsutomu Satō's "The Irregular at Magic High School (M...
Dec 27, 2020News'The Honor Student at Magic High School' manga series is receiving a TV anime adaptation in 2021The official Twitter for the TV anime series adaptation of Tsutomu Satō's "The Irregular at Magic High School (Mahouka Koukou no Rettouse...