May 24, 2021Anime & Manga'Kakegurui the Movie Part 2: Desperate Russian Roulette' live-action film rescheduled to June 1The production committee of the second part installment of the live-action film adaptation of Homura Kawamoto and Tōru Naomura's "Kakegu...
Apr 26, 2021News'Kakegurui the Movie Part 2: Desperate Russian Roulette' live-action film postponed due to COVID-19The production committee of the second part installment of the live-action film adaptation of Homura Kawamoto and Tōru Naomura's "Kakegur...
Mar 30, 2021News'Kakegurui the Movie Part 2: Desperate Russian Roulette' live-action film releases new scene photosThe production committee of the second part installment of the live-action film adaptation of Homura Kawamoto and Tōru Naomura's "Kakegu...